├─1_01 The Statue of Liberty - 自由女_720p.mp4
├─10_ Burj Khalifa-哈利法塔_720p.mp4
├─11_13 Machu Picchu-马丘比丘_720p.mp4
├─12_Easter Island - nationalgeo-复活_720p.mp4
├─13_Ha Long Bay-下龙湾_720p.mp4
├─14_Mont Saint Michel - 圣米歇尔山_720p.mp4
├─15_15 Sydney Opera House-悉尼歌剧院_720p.mp4
├─16_16 the Blue Mosque-蓝色清真寺_720p.mp4
├─17_17 The Parthenon-巴特农神庙_720p.mp4
├─18_18 the great wall-长城_720p.mp4
├─19_19 The Taj Mahal-泰姬陵_720p.mp4
├─2_02 The Eiffel Tower, Paris - 埃_720p.mp4
├─20_20 Victoria Falls-维多利亚大瀑布_720p.mp4
├─21_21 Yellowstone-黄石公园_720p.mp4
├─3_03 The Great Pyramid of Giza -_720p.mp4
├─4_04 The Tower of London - 伦敦塔_720p.mp4
├─5_05 The Mount Fuji - 富士山_720p.mp4
├─6_07 The Colosseum, Rome - 罗马斗兽场_720p.mp4
├─7_07 The Colosseum, Rome - 罗马斗兽场_720p.mp4
├─8_ AngkorWat-吴哥窟_720p.mp4
└─9_ Bali Island-巴厘岛_720p.mp4